Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Tania Moguillevskaya

Why conferences and how they can help researchers? - Issues unexplored and answers are vague. I belong to the group of people who are satisfied with this form of the exchange of ideas, in fact - I love the reports, discussions, debates and discussions in the smoking room before, during, and after. My personal view it is talk is food for new interconnections in the brain, and between people. We have many familiar scientists in Komsomolsk and Khabarovsk, , we sometimes present at conferences, thanks to the invitation of Dokuchaev Ilya.  Of course, there are scientists who are interested in pure science, the interweaving of formulas and words, and their legions, they write books, articles, theses, which no one ever reads it, which will remain in the archives of memory. These scientists have jobs that work and life that live after work. Work and life are not connected are not affected and do not overlap. Coming out of the library - the scientist becomes a normal person, he is interested in the price of meat and on the car. It's about others. Those who is few in the world. And those who really can move atoms in the brain not only his own, but the brain was observed, and as a result - can affect the final product (in this case - performance and audience).

Tania Moguilevskaya.

We met in 1998, when we is coming to the festival Passage we corresponded with her e-mail, of course, she recommended us the unforgettable Jean-Pierre Thibodeau, on his voyage to Komsomolsk, and yet - we knew her before the Passage, and then, when they came to the festival in 1999 we met. Of course, we do not expect to see a touching young professor's, (which is only working on her doctorate in Russian theater), we became friends and in 2001 I was part of the Russian delegation was invited to the East-West program, which makes the show in the same group with Eugene Grishkovets.

I worked on the play by K.Kostenko, it was just magically (photo 2001)

Our next action was work in KnAM WEST DOCK (2002), where Tanya acted as interpreter of the text (the text is much different from the one that was in Isayev, it was more real and this new burst of poetry, from the endless repetitions and looping text )... We did not understand the text, but over the years has come to understand his poetry and I fell in love Koltes so that then put him in Tilsit-theater ... 

Thanks Tanya, thanks Gilles!

 I can rightfully be called Tatiana Mogilevskaya a living scientist who communicates directly with the practice, she is very well aware of the whole range of contemporary Russian theater, often in Moscow, participates and conducts work-shops and she is learning. For her, her personal life is intertwined with her scientific work, so she can help the director as a walking encyclopedia. Her invaluable experience, so, for example, her opinion about our new performances "River flows" or the first attempt "I am" is very valuable to us.  Thank you, Tanya!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Cécile Vaissié

CE COMMENTAIRE de Cécile Vaissié à propos de sa rencontre avec Tania Frolova et le Teatr KnAM, le 14.12.2012 à l'occasion de la Journée d'études Université Lyon 2 "LES PUSSY RIOT ET LES AUTRES" à laquelle elle participait :

"Encore sous l'impression incroyablement forte de la rencontre, hier, avec les gens du théâtre KnAM, de Komsomolsk sur l'Amour (neuf heures d'avion vers l'Est à partir de Moscou). Tania Frolova, la metteuse en scène, et deux de ses comédiens. Des gens bien, droits, créatifs, avec tout en place sur le plan intellectuel. Pas de chichi, pas de "nose up", pas de fausse modestie, pas de trucs tordus: des gens qui savent ce qu'ils font et pourquoi ils le font. Ils décrivent une région sinistrée, dont les habitants font partir leurs enfants, parce que la vie est trop difficile. Alors les jeunes partent, pour la Nouvelle-Zélande, les Etats-Unis, l'Europe, Moscou, voire la Chine. Et Tania et sa troupe explorent l'histoire de leur ville, construite non par des komsomols enthousiastes, mais par des détenus politiques, dans les années 30. Et eux mêmes sont les enfants ou les petits-enfants de tels détenus, et "marchent sur les os" des prisonniers morts d'épuisement. Alors, sur scène et/ou dans les rues, ils rappellent ce qui s'est passé et que tous ont oublié, parce que les autorités ne veulent pas parler de ce passé, et, dans leur petit théâtre du bout du monde, ils font le lien entre ces purges des années 30 et les arrestations d'aujourd'hui. Ils font faire du théâtre aux enfants des orphelinats et ils explorent dans un spectacle la "guerre en Tchétchénie" que chaque Russe a désormais en soi. Des artistes. Des intellectuels. Des citoyens. De très très belles personnes."


rehearsal time

Thursday, 1 November 2012


November 24 at 18:00
A new documentary theater performance KnAM.

Many thanks to Bernard Noel for his text "The Book of Forgetting" and "Dictionary of the Paris Commune", used in the performance. Bernard's book has just come out in France ... Amazing ...

It's all me


theater KnAM working on a social project, "This is all me." The essence of the project is that the actors involved in the theater with a group of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. They give children the basic skills of acting, develop fantasy and imagination, learn to move and speak beautifully. Session lasts an hour and takes place once a week, but after the first classes were the first results are visible. As told Tatyana Frolova, a theater director, "We have seen that this is a little different people. They became softer and, if before they left to itself or looking at the phone, then later they opened, began to look into the eyes of calm, they had the plastic. "
When asked why the protagonists of the project - the children from disadvantaged families, Tatiana said: "We have worked very hard with the children of the orphanage, but now decided to work with children who have parents, but they have a dysfunctional family. We think that these children are more deprived than the children of the orphanage because they are abandoned, they are on their own. We want to focus on such families, because we did not know the world. "


Dmitry Bocharov, actor KnAM added: "It is very logical - to work with children. If someone needs help, associated with the theater, art and creativity, first of all, of course, young people, because adults do not forge. "Tatiana went on: "Children - our future. You want a little more to invest in the future. Though these 11 people. If they are a little more free, naughty, will see brighter possibilities, we have worked with them for good reason. "
These 11 people, which says Tatiana - students and older students. Each of them has a heavy load on the heart - nedolyublennosti parents, scenes of cruelty and violence, but in spite of all their smiling faces - the goods have not been able to oust the best of what they have. Theater director said that before you start to work with children, the entire cast was worried.


"We imagined that they are tough, loaded, - the director - but when they came, we realized that they really almost indistinguishable from ordinary young people. The only difference - they have more discipline. Generally very clean kids like flowers. "
Tatiana shows some video interviews with the children. Are teenagers - 15, 16 years. In the video, they are trapped, but smiling, they call your name, age and tell what they do or did. However, these guys are smiling, no longer come to the other activities of the first.
"They must have a network of more important things," - says Tatiana. All the guys before the experiment told that this project is necessary first of all to themselves. And the fact that more than half of the children dropped out, says only about one-young komsomolchane not want to change. But the project will still take place, even if it will be used several times fewer people than expected, he says.
On the third lesson comes just two people. This is a high school student and the student Dima Vlad.


They offer classes in acting, actress Elena Bessonova. She asks about homework. It lay in the fact that, during the week to track good things in life, then Elena asked to recall and describe what they saw a happy man, and then give the job to remember a bright red object, met today. After warm-up to the main section - acting. Young people come up with skits, improvise. Helen encourages their praises: "Well done! Super! Wow!". Kind words like spells liberate young people and the next scene they do with passion, almost without hesitation. In parallel, the teacher explains the importance of training in acting, "It helps to go to the art of living. Here, for example, when you make a scene and you have a goal - everything works. And in life, when you know exactly what you want - everything works. "
After classes in acting, in the hall comes Tatyana Frolova. She says it is important to "find" your voice, let it out. There was also a work of the imagination - the boys closed their eyes and were a fire, lemon, snow.
On the question of what will be the result of the actor with children KnAMovtsy said: "While we have had two meetings - the first we have told them something, in the second we have a closer look, and spent the first photo session. We have this idea - to do after school photo and video sessions. What of it? We do not yet know. But the first thing we want - it's an exhibition. But it will be very different from what usually happens in museums, in particular, in our, Far. "
According to the idea of ​​theater-goers, the pictures should reflect the personality changes. And above all, the attention paid to the eyes in the photo, facial expressions.
It should be noted that this experiment is the first time in the theater. "It's an experiment in form, - the director of the theater, - if before we knew exactly what we will do with the children - we had a clear plan, we know what we want to get the result, what methods will be used for this, but now we have decided on a creative project - we have only a rough vision of what should happen eventually, but we give a free hand to these young people. They can participate in this project and offer some ideas - everything from movies to art actions. Let them do, and we'll help them. "
I will add that a parallel project "It's me" theater KnAM is working on a play about the memory, "I am." Are any details about him were not disclosed, but it is known that the social project may affect production. "It is possible that there is something out of what is now engaged in the theater with children can enter into the prepared statement," I am! '"- Shared the director. In late November komsomolchane see two projects from the theater.
Working with adolescents, as well as a new performance theater KnAM is part of the all-Russian project "Theatre + Company" by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, which is realized in the seven independent Russian theaters. Thus, private theaters are funded some projects, which involved socially vulnerable groups with limited access to the cultural sphere.
Olga Kosheleva,  Our City

Slava Krikunov

star in our kitchen. Slava went into KnAM for me is a huge gift ... Once he went to the studio theater KnAM.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Black car and black people

They really came in a black car, which is popularly called craters. Pre calling my cell. Cause a call on my first interrogation, the investigator for particularly important cases of prosecution outlined very vague. Something to do with the Oil Refinery and my public statements on the Internet. A nice young man. But somehow, his voice trembling. He would quickly get out of the theater. Interestingly, they all who speak out are asked to come in for questioning? Or is it just me? But what about the grandmother on the benches? They do not hesitate in expressions. Okay, I'll go tomorrow at 15:00 for his first interrogation.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Red Door of Theatre

Today the city again breathes of poison gas. Ghosha agreed to pose in a mask which never saved from the poisons that have poured into the air. Gosha is member of our new play "I AM," the first public draft of which we plan to show in November.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Bernard Noël

Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Bernard Noël, jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30, au CITL
Sophie Gindt (traductrice française) et Tatiana Frolova (metteure en scène russe) sont en résidence au CITL pour traduire en russe Le Livre de l'Oubli de Bernard Noël qui sera le support textuel de Je suis, le prochain spectacle de Tatiana Frolova (Théâtre KnAM, Komsomolsk-sur-Amour, Russie d'Extrême-Orient), un spectacle sur la perte de la mémoire individuelle et collective. Le livre de Bernard Noël est un recueil de fragments poétiques et de réflexion sur l'oubli.
Le spectacle sera créé en mars 2013 à Komsomolsk et en tournée en France à partir d'octobre 2013.

Bernard Noël est né le 19 novembre 1930, à Sainte-Geneviève-sur-Argence, dans l'Aveyron. Les événements qui l'ont marqué sont ceux qui ont marqué sa génération : explosion de la première bombe atomique, découverte des camps d'extermination, guerre du Viêt-nam, découverte des crimes de Staline, guerre de Corée, guerre d'Algérie... Ces événements portaient à croire qu'il n'y aurait plus d'avenir. D'où un long silence, comme authentifié par un seul livre, Extraits du corps, 1958. Pourquoi je n'écris pas ? est la question sans réponse précise qui équilibre cette autre : Pourquoi j'écris ? devenue son contraire depuis 1969. Cet équilibre exige que la vie, à son tour, demeure silencieuse sous l'écriture, autrement dit que la biographie s'arrête aux actes publics que sont les publications.

Jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30 au Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires
(Espace Van Gogh, Arles)
Renseignements : 04 90 52 05 50

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Bernard Noel for KnAM

working moments.

26 July

Sans titre

chez Bob

Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Bernard Noël

Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Bernard Noël, jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30, au CITL
Sophie Gindt (traductrice française) et Tatiana Frolova (metteure en scène russe) sont en résidence au CITL pour traduire en russe Le Livre de l'Oubli de Bernard Noël qui sera le support textuel de Je suis, le prochain spectacle de Tatiana Frolova (Théâtre KnAM, Komsomolsk-sur-Amour, Russie d'Extrême-Orient), un spectacle sur la perte de la mémoire individuelle et collective. Le livre de Bernard Noël est un recueil de fragments poétiques et de réflexion sur l'oubli.
Le spectacle sera créé en mars 2013 à Komsomolsk et en tournée en France à partir d'octobre 2013.

Bernard Noël est né le 19 novembre 1930, à Sainte-Geneviève-sur-Argence, dans l’Aveyron. Les événements qui l’ont marqué sont ceux qui ont marqué sa génération : explosion de la première bombe atomique, découverte des camps d’extermination, guerre du Viêt-nam, découverte des crimes de Staline, guerre de Corée, guerre d’Algérie... Ces événements portaient à croire qu’il n’y aurait plus d’avenir. D’où un long silence, comme authentifié par un seul livre, Extraits du corps, 1958. Pourquoi je n’écris pas ? est la question sans réponse précise qui équilibre cette autre : Pourquoi j’écris ? devenue son contraire depuis 1969. Cet équilibre exige que la vie, à son tour, demeure silencieuse sous l’écriture, autrement dit que la biographie s’arrête aux actes publics que sont les publications.

Jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30 au Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires
(Espace Van Gogh, Arles)
Renseignements : 04 90 52 05 50

26 July. Conference

Sans titre

17 july. Final of translation.

This is a photo from the film Helen, this is the last offer translation of "Books of forgetting" in Russian. Torment ...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


in France, published a book Modern Russia by authors Gilles Favarel-Garrigues et Kathy Rousselet, publisher Fayard

No wonder the book as a book, it specifically bought by Helen for understanding what is happening in the country, she still makes a film about us. So what was it surprising that under modern culture on page 415 we read about KnAM

literally -
What's happen on the stages of Norilsk Nickel city, Ulan-Ude, the capital of Buryatia, Chita and Khabarovsk on the Amur River? "Nothing" - will tell you in Moscow, often with some disdain. In Komsomolsk-na-Amur in the Far East of Russia, KnAM Theatre - a group of five people, led by Tatiana Frolova, created a theater for 24 spectators on the ground floor of a residential building, capturing everything around them, that the evil city considers artistically alive. But in Moscow, who knew the work by Frolova up visits of foreigners who would not talk about it in their own countries? "

cool ...

Monday, 23 July 2012


Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Bernard Noël, jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30, au CITL
Sophie Gindt (traductrice française) et Tatiana Frolova (metteure en scène russe) sont en résidence au CITL pour traduire en russe Le Livre de l'Oubli de Bernard Noël qui sera le support textuel de Je suis, le prochain spectacle de Tatiana Frolova (Théâtre KnAM, Komsomolsk-sur-Amour, Russie d'Extrême-Orient), un spectacle sur la perte de la mémoire individuelle et collective. Le livre de Bernard Noël est un recueil de fragments poétiques et de réflexion sur l'oubli.
Le spectacle sera créé en mars 2013 à Komsomolsk et en tournée en France à partir d'octobre 2013.

Bernard Noël est né le 19 novembre 1930, à Sainte-Geneviève-sur-Argence, dans l’Aveyron. Les événements qui l’ont marqué sont ceux qui ont marqué sa génération : explosion de la première bombe atomique, découverte des camps d’extermination, guerre du Viêt-nam, découverte des crimes de Staline, guerre de Corée, guerre d’Algérie... Ces événements portaient à croire qu’il n’y aurait plus d’avenir. D’où un long silence, comme authentifié par un seul livre, Extraits du corps, 1958. Pourquoi je n’écris pas ? est la question sans réponse précise qui équilibre cette autre : Pourquoi j’écris ? devenue son contraire depuis 1969. Cet équilibre exige que la vie, à son tour, demeure silencieuse sous l’écriture, autrement dit que la biographie s’arrête aux actes publics que sont les publications.

Jeudi 26 juillet 2012 à 18h30 au Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires
(Espace Van Gogh, Arles)
Renseignements : 04 90 52 05 50

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


I love when the theater is clean! Even my home isn't important for me, because my first home  is  KnAM.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Monday, 11 June 2012

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Monday, 7 May 2012

today concert

Tatiana Karpova and Eugene Pankov in concert "Birthday in the theater"

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Monday, 30 April 2012

KnAM History, 2004

Un film sur la ville de Komsomolsk-sur-l’Amour, dans l’Extrême-Orient de la Russie, son histoire et sa volonté de survivre la débâcle soviétique. Le film se déroule à travers les yeux des jeunes d’aujourd’hui et de représentants de la génération d’hier, d’anciens Communistes et d’anciens prisoniers des camps. Un important interlocuteur est le theâtre d’avant-garde KnAM, à la recherche de l’histoire de sa ville à travers une “lecture lente” des Cahiers de Dostoevsky.Filmé en 2004 et 2005, Komsomolsk mon amour inclut aussi des archives filmées des années 1930-1950.

Night at the library

Performance "My city - my book". 20.04.2012
Ostrovsky' library and theater KnAM
fragments of the performance

interviews with the audience after the performance

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Friday, 13 April 2012

The second prize!

U.S. Consulate in Vladivostok, conducted in March Photo competition "Advances Women"

Tatyana Frolova received the second prize for a photo diary of the cleaner
Prize delivered!



this player will fantastic memory about time of the hard work of cleaning.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

For the memory about unknown prisoners - the builders of the city.


April 10 at 18-00 in the park near the garment factory and the prospect of Lenin held a flash mob. I thought, actually, I'll tie the ribbon alone. But came still 10 people! That was cool ... so simple and so strong.

This is  a real poster, with which people in 1987 went to the demonstration in the USSR. The inscription on the poster, "70 years of struggle and victory"



description of the flash mob
The official history of our city said that Komsomolsk-on-Amur was built by Komsomol members, who came from across the country. This is not the whole truth and we modern generation should no longer put up with the glossy edited history.
We know that in almost every quarter of the city there is unknown burial of prisoners of the city-builders. Often these people were the victims of Stalinist repression, exiled in Komsomolsk and used as free labor. These people were kept in inhumane conditions and did the hardest work.
Tens of thousands were killed. We go over the bones of innocent victims and  we are not even knowing it. Society has to remember and mark such mass graves of innocent victims. Society should admit their mistakes for never to do that in the future. If government does nothing every of free-residents of our city must do it.
The aim of our flash mob to attract the attention of society to the problem of restoration of historical justice, to ensure that in places of mass graves and concentration camps were built memorials to the memory. We want future generations to remember and not repeat the terrible mistakes of the past. For general a better future.





Flash-mob à la mémoire des prisonniers inconnus, constructeurs de la ville.

L'histoire officielle dit que Komsomolsk-sur-Amour a été construite par les membres des Jeunesses communistes (Komsomol), venus de tout le pays. Ce n'est pas la vérité et nous, la génération contemporaine, n’acceptons plus l’histoire brillante et révisée que nous impose le pouvoir. Nous savons que dans presque chaque quartier de la ville, il y a des charniers de déportés inconnus, constructeurs de la ville. Ces prisonniers étaient souvent des victimes de la répression stalinienne, envoyés à Komsomolsk et utilisés comme main-d'œuvre gratuite. Leurs conditions de vie étaient inhumaines et ils effectuaient le travail le plus dur. Des dizaines de milliers de victimes innocentes sont mortes et nous marchons sur leurs os, sans même le savoir. La société doit se souvenir, identifier et marquer les endroits d’inhumation massive de victimes innocentes. La société doit reconnaître ses erreurs afin de ne pas les répéter dans l'avenir. Si l’Etat ne le fait pas, alors c’est le devoir de chaque citoyen libre de la ville.

Le but de notre flash mob est d’attirer l'attention de l’opinion publique sur le problème du rétablissement de la véracité de l’histoire pour que, dans l'avenir, aux endroits des charniers et des camps, soient construits des monuments de mémoire pour que les générations futures se souviennent et ne répètent pas les terribles erreurs de leur ancêtres. Pour un avenir meilleur.

Les participants de la flash mob doit avoir un bandeau ou un ruban rouges. Au signal, tous les morceaux de tissu seront attachés aux branches et aux troncs d'arbres à l’endroit des charniers et des camps, situés aujourd’hui dans les parties du centre ville.
Le 10 avril à 18h00
 Rassemblement des participants à l'entrée du centre commercial Singapour à 17.50 (traduction Sophie Gindt)