Sunday, 31 March 2013

April 2 at 19:00 spectacle I AM.

The letter A
An act or action.
Who wants to know about the program, what should you look for action.


The letter T
People receive only what he takes.


The letter V
It's logical madness, the beginning of which is ignorance.


The letter P
Patience of suffering seems eternal , but before the tsunami sea is too patient and gentle. It recedes long and soft waves, which will take off and become like mountains, and then will fall with a great roar ashore, carrying into the abyss


Bernard Noel. Dictionary of the Paris Commune.
translated from the French Sophie Dzhindt, Tatyana Frolova

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

tickets for performance

April 2 at 19-00 show I AM. The last of the season. Tickets are yet available. Those who should be - we are waiting for you!


Ticket of  sample 1985-86.
In KnAM come only those who need it. We noticed it a long time ago, and now I suddenly realized all the way. The chain is so. People receive information and they mature solution (sometimes they need for this 10-20 years), they go to the theater and see a closed door. Many come never after this. And those who have a splinter stuck - they come again and again, until they come inside. They will know that the performance will not know when, and leave your phone. Then a few months later by an SMS message, then we must also agreed to terms - that they will not busy these days and thousands of different conditions. Then get a phone call and order tickets. And then they come to the show ... But the amazing thing - those who come before performance without ticket, even in the days when many spectators and no place to drop an apple -the place  always find ... Mystery. Phenomenon. Miracle. And it is almost always. For over 27 years ...
On April 2 performance theare are  7 tickets. They can be ordered by phone

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Conference of activists in defense of bookstore Ogonek

March 24 at 15 o'clock in the White Hall of the theater KnAM gathered activists, people who want to see Ogonek, the oldest bookstore of our city where it is always, on the area of Metallurgists.
  39 years old Ogonek is with townspeople. Now the power want wants to sell bookstore and on-site will be a beer or a cell-phones ... Of course, this angers many who are still able to think about the future.


Molohatko family, famous businessmans of our city came after skiing, especially for signing a petition.


Nadezhda Ivleva hold my hand. She is an honorary citizen of the city, which also came to support Ogonek, though she recently turned in '81!

video from conference

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

about a new job

"Nijinsky Heart", a play by Olga Pogodina she wrote especially for us (well, maybe it's just a nice legend, but to inspire us to work)
Passions that boil in a large ballet today staggering. For the first time in the history of the border crossed. The world will never be the same again. The Passion of the theater become Сriminal. When Diaghilev opened that Nijinsky married on tour, he sent him a telegram of resignation. Once Diaghilev  even hit Nijinsky by stick, "I began to hate him openly and once pushed him on the street in Paris. I pushed him, because he wanted to show that I'm not afraid of him. Diaghilev hit me with a stick, because I wanted to get away from him . He felt that I wanted to leave, and so ran after me. I ran step. I was afraid to be noticed. I've noticed that people are watching. I felt a pain in my leg and pushed Diaghilev. My impulse was weak, because I felt no anger to Diaghilev, but crying. I cried. Diaghilev scolded me. Diaghilev gnashed their teeth, and my mind cats scratch. " (From the diary of Nijinsky


Раздел: Новости

The soloist of the Bolshoi Theater arrested as attacks on customer Sergei Filin

Found and defused. Rapid isolation history, which fired the last two months of the entire country. Suspect in attack on... Подробнее »

Art by the highes standards has no utilitarian sense, theater in particular, because it only eats money. For example, Nijinsky died in poverty, and in fact was the God of dance! I was struck by his attitude to the dance. He thought they were alive ...

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

guests in our kitchen

Leonid Danilov, a friend of the theater since childhood

Monday, 4 March 2013

Generation pride and glory

This year is the idea of ​​a day of the city to finish our 24-hour video installation with the voices of people who have invested their lives in Komsomolsk.

(first video of future project)
Modest contribution to theater in society, I am interested in the city as a living being, I am interested to pull out bits from Forgetting parts, paint, the experience of generations, process, and present a slightly enlarged form to the city. And it is not so important - whether in this video installation viewer. Eternity fascinates and astonishes me, it is in mountains, stones in the street, open spaces. They become witnesses and spectators.
In mid-January, we met with Olga Mikhaylovna Ruzmaikin, head of department (Department of Social Support for the Central District) and she promised all possible assistance to the theater. Today I received the names of those (for interviews and theatrical productions I select only those over 70) who want to participate.
It is Department of Social Support


nice woman gave me a list, written by hand, it is very touching, because the City Council veterans joined to KnAM and personally Zoja Abramovna Andreeva.
A little bit about the future work -
The project "Generation pride and glory" aims to rehabilitate veterans of labor, for various reasons, be excluded from society. Rehabilitation will be done by attracting this group of people to create the play, based on their own story, their personal stories of the history of the city in which they have worked for most of his life, documentary photographs and newsreels.
Theatre KnAM believes it is important to enable people, who devoted his life to building a better future, once again feel the value and necessity of their labor and human achievement, as well as to remind the public of responsibility for these people. On the need to pay respect and gratitude of the people of the older generations, hard work of the benefits that we enjoy today. This is the main goal of our project.

volunteer project, so take either your help, if you want to participate with us!